This is the

We are after a soul-deep transformation rather than a skin-deep moment of beauty.

This is Kingdom resilience.

When you set out to connect or reconnect with your voice, your calling, your story, and your identity, you will find resistance; that unconscious limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns are holding more sway in your life than you realized. Narratives rooted in lies or half-truths have grown deep and you are living into broken patterns rather than freedom.

What if one question could halt the spiral and make room for radical change?

“Who told you that!?”

Where did the narrative come from? Is it true? Is it helpful?

Left unchecked, they will keep you in a crazy cycle of repetitive limited experience so that even as the seasons change, the familiar plot resurfaces in your interactions and relationships.

These are patterns that you can intercept, track and then change.

This is where many fall prey to burnout, hesitation, discouragement and a host of other limiting issues if the transformational work is never pursued.

Emotional and spiritual growth do not happen in a straight line. Coaching can help you move forward towards the dreams God placed inside you. 

The growth of becoming conscious of limiting beliefs and patterns often feels like a spiral on the outside.

This is why the
Resilient Retreat was born!

  • I went from confused about my life mission to knowing what God is calling me to do.


  • Retreat helped me go from busy and chaotic to rested, thankful, and more clear.


  • Amber helped me name my fears and find freedom in not running from them anymore.


You can question and rewrite the narratives you have been carrying around. You know, those stories about yourself, those around you, and your circumstances. 

Saying yes to this work, you will find that we all have deep stories through which we write our lives, but they do not need to be set in stone. Many of these narratives have been largely picked up and left unchecked. Why do you believe what you believe? 

If you are open and fundamentally teachable, God will lead you to keep unfolding yourself to reveal more of who He is and who you are in Him. Ultimately guiding you to understand who you are called to serve and how.

But He will invite you to do the work, not simply do it for you.

Ultimately, stepping into your voice, your calling and your identity will invite you to harness the superpowers embedded in your story. Much of it comes down to self-awareness and self-allowance and not trying to constantly earn your value through the endless outcome-focused, productivity, “doing”, but rather a soul-deep passion led from a place of wild freedom, deep love & compassion. You work and live from worth not for worth.

You have to surround yourself with others who can and will remind you to embrace the upside-down ways of God’s Kingdom… to forget individualism and “self-help”, because, unlike the false hyped-up narrative of the, “I have to do it myself” journey, you my friend were called to link arms with like-minded women and to recognize support is available from genuinely encouraging allies you meet along the adventurous road.

Coach Amber

Nothing is more exciting than watching women step into all they were made to be and all they were called to do.

Retreats are one of my favorite containers to make that happen. Whether you are looking to join a resilient retreat, seeking a coach to guide you to build your own retreat, or exploring the right speaker for your retreat, I am here to serve you!

The Resilient Retreat was made for YOU to encounter real transformation; not a temporary state of hype that sizzles out when you get home.

May 5-7, 2023 Pricing $695

Sagle Idaho

Includes: lodging, 4 meals 2 snacks, interactive coaching, workbook, adventure & rest

Women's Retreat Sagle Idaho